Analysis and Research.

Luck is for the lottery, for successful investments, analysis is important.

Luck is for the lottery,
for successful investments, analysis is important.

Good analysis and research always lead to more intelligent investment management decisions.

Some of the key techniques used in our portfolio analysis include:

Добрите анализи и проучвания винаги водят до по-интелигентни решения в управление на инвестиции.

Някои от ключовите техники, използвани в анализа на портфейли включват:


Asset Allocation

This is the process of dividing assets in a portfolio among different types of instruments such as stocks, bonds, and cash flows. The goal is to balance risk versus return, based on the investor’s goals and risk preferences.


Risk Management

This technique involves assessing the risk of the portfolio based on the types of investments and asset allocation. Risk management techniques can be specific to potential risks, such as diversification, hedging, and the use of financial derivatives to establish risk control.


Performance Measurement

This is the process of evaluating the return of a portfolio over a specific period of time compared to other investments with similar characteristics (benchmark). In case of significant deviations between the market and the client’s investment portfolio, the investment consultant should suggest changes to improve performance.


Factor Analysis

This technique involves analyzing the performance of a portfolio based on various factors such as market conditions and economic trends. This type of analysis helps investors identify the strengths and weaknesses of their portfolio.


Scenario Analysis

It involves analyzing the potential impact of different market situations on the performance of a given portfolio. By simulating different scenarios, investors can assess the potential risk and return on investments, which helps in making more informed decisions.

Our main focus is to make investing
more understandable and easier by turning complex matters into opportunities.

We will help you build your future investment strategy.

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